Protect your Intellectual Property (IP) and Explore Funding Opportunities

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Did you know that while your products, ideas or innovations may be protected in Canada with a trademark or copyright, they may not be protected in other countries.

Without proper IP protection, you could limit your business from future development, expansion, possible funding or even existing.

What is ElevateIP?
The ElevateIP program is a federally funded, nationwide initiative aimed at equipping Canadian start-ups with the essential resources to understand, develop strategy, and create intellectual property (IP) assets. Intellectual property encompasses more than patents. IP includes company assets such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, industrial design, and trade secrets.

ElevateIP offers financial support of up to $100,000 to develop and implement your IP strategy. With the ElevateIP program, you will be prepared and protected at a fraction of the cost. Be proactive and safeguard your intellectual property today!

Join us to discover:
  • Why IP protection is important

  • How you could get funding from ElevateIP to help


March 14th, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 pm CST
Free Online Webinar


Silvia de Sousa

Silvia de Sousa

Silvia is a partner at TDS with a practice that is concentrated in the area of business law with an emphasis on intellectual property law and technology law. Her practice also includes intellectual property transactions, cannabis advertising and marketing, intellectual property protection, trademarks, copyrights, patents, and licensing matters. Silvia is a trademark agent.

Called to the Manitoba Bar in 1994, Silvia has spoken on many occasions to professional organizations and industry groups on intellectual property matters and technology law matters.

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Protect your Intellectual Property (IP) and Explore Funding Opportunities


Mar 14 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm




