EPP – Market Validation

This section covers market intelligence gathering and macro economic trends analysis. The company should be able to evaluate whether their chosen market is feasible or make the decision to change their approach.


Classification of your product/services

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Header 1
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Topic Name 1 | PDF

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Header 2
  1. Numbered list
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Topic name 2 | Video

    Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and Tariffs

    This section covers market intelligence gathering and macro economic trends analysis. The company should be able to evaluate whether their chosen market is feasible or make the decision to change their approach.

    2 topics | 4 articles | 2 videos

    Canadian/provincial export data

    This section incorporates secondary market research on the micro economic scale to explore market wants and needs.

    2 topics | 4 articles | 2 videos

    Market import data

    This section covers the necessity of any product or service adaptation and certification processes needed to access the target market based on industry. This section will also elaborate on information from the previous module on any customer or consumer preferences.

    2 topics | 4 articles | 2 videos
